Flea, Tick, Mange & Mite Treatment

Flea, Tick, Mange & Mite Treatment

Fleas can cause terrible skin irritation that will make our clients animals scratch, lick and bite themselves. This can result in rashes, scaly skin, hot spots and hair loss. It only takes one pregnant flea to lead to a flea infestation on our clients animals or in their home.

Ticks can cause diseases that can lead to significant health issues such as debilitating illness, paralysis and even death. It only takes one tick to spread disease, so continuous protection is critical to help reduce the risk of infection.

Mange and Mites can cause severe itching and a variety of problems that can impact a domestic animals health if left untreated.

Every house should be treated for these insects after a wildlife infestation.
Fog Attic or House / Building: The Attic & Ductwork runs throughout an entire house and the ductwork is the main component of a ventilation system. Naturally, it is important to keep the attic & ducts clean and disinfected to prevent the spread of germs and spores through the air. Rodent and Wildlife droppings are the primary concern with attics & ducts, as it can easily build up in these isolated areas and can be tough to eradicate and can be deadly. The proper application to disinfect and deodorizer is done through the use of a machine that can coat the entire lining of a duct and attic walls and floors.

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